Friday, May 22, 2015


One thing that I remember from my schooling days is the "tikan" game we used to make a beeline for during breaks and after school.

On the find sight it is nothing more then a game of chance and somehow it equates to how the MHC wants to determine their chairman of the various sub committees as provided for in their constitution.

It is vital that the right people be appointed for the correct committees and that is why there are four independent members position created so that it can be filled by those who can contribute effectively towards the progress and development of hockey.

But with the President having assumed the Chairmanship of the National Team Management and Finance Committees, that does not leave much for the others.

I was told that the President at the first Executive Board meeting had told the elected office bearers to send in their choices of committees via Whatsapp or SMS which set me thinking that such vital decision is being made akin to voting in the ever popular Akademi Fantasia.

So for those who might not comprehend the whole picture, let me walk you through the provision of sub committees in the MHC Constitution.

There are a total of 12 sub committees, excluding the three that come under judicial which are the Disciplinary, Appeals and Ethics Committee. The only committee not provided for in the constitution is the 1MAS Steering Committee.

So the 12 committees are as follows - Coaching, Competition, Development, Finance, High Performance, Indoor, Legal and Special Peojects, Marketing and Spinsorship, Media Public Relations, National Team Management, Umpuring and Medical Committee.
With the President having taken the Chairmanship of the Finance as well as the National Team Management, there are 10 more spots left.

The Umpuring, Mesical Committeees will go to appointed Chairmans as none are Doctors nor former internationals in the EB at present.

From what is learnt Dato Ow Soon Kooi will assume the Chairmanship of Coaching, Dato Radhakrishnan the Indoor so leaving it 6 more vacancies.

The Development Committee is one of the most sought as the Deputy President 1 as she wants to be addressed S. Shamala and Kedah HA President Satish Kumar both want the Committee.

Shamala who used to head the High Performance Committee and was a member of the Competitions Committee should really take the Competitions Committee as she is after all a so called senior person in the pre and post elections process.

With this two fighting it out, that leaves us with four more Committees and ironically Deputy President George Koshy who was the giant killer will be left with an insignificant committee.

Manjit Majid should get Legal and Special Projects in anticipation of a long dispute that will follow as I intend to take legal action for none payment of dues to me for work carried out in the Sultan Johor Cup last October.

There you have it as the pies and crumbs are distributed, fairly and justly using the Tikam Nethod.